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Zeke And Zack

by Judith Shields Regini - Christmas 1994

There were two field mice, Zeke and Zack, who lived in Bethlehem.
They made their home in a bed of straw in a stable near an inn.

“Come look outside,” said Zeke to Zack, “Come see the crowded street.”
Zack hurried over to the door and through the opening, peeked.

“I wonder what that’s all about.” Zack thought aloud to Zeke.
“What brings these people to Bethlehem? What is it that they seek?”

As they sat and stared at passers-by, they saw a weary man.
Beside him, on a donkey, a young girl looked pale and wan.

As they walked toward the stable, Zeke and Zack fled from the door.
They watched from behind a water pail as the two stepped on the floor.

Zeke looked at Zack and they crept closer to view an infant child.
They crawled up the manger and sat on the side, near the virgin mild.

Mary smiled at the two as they peeked at the child and gently touched their heads.
She told them the baby was Jesus and she nodded toward the bed.

The child turned his head and looked at the mice as they lovingly sat on the side.
They scurried down quickly and ran through the stable and Zeke excitedly cried.

“Come cows and oxen, come lamb and come bird. Come to the stable bare.”
“Come see the Christ Child, wrapped in swaddling clothes. Come see what awaits you here.”

The animals gathered around the stall and looked at the baby boy.
They mooed, squawked, and chirped, and they bleated and squeaked, as they proclaimed their joy.

Soon others would join them, man, woman, and beast, at the stable by the inn.
Wise men would come, on camels, would come, and the wonderful life did begin.

The angel chorus was joined that night by the singing of the dove.
All voices united in one single spirit, proclaiming God’s great gift of love.

Christmas comes to us all once a year, but lives on in our hearts all year long.
From field mouse to king, together we sing the greatest song of songs.

© 1994, Judith Shields Regini, Used By Permission

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