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Random Acts Of Kindness

We have 2793 Random Acts Of Kindness So Far!

All of us at would like to ask a favor of our users. We would like each of you to do one or more Random Acts of Kindness this holiday season. After you've done your Random Act, we'd like you to come back here and share your experience with us! It can be a small act, like smiling at your grumpy neighbor or paying the toll for the next car behind you at the toll booth...or perhaps something bigger! We don't care, we just want to hear your stories and share them with our site users. And please don't be timid about sharing the smallest of kind's the little changes that make the world a better place!

 Viewing Page 280 of 280Older Posts - >

ID: 15015

11/17/2024 10:51:21 PM - Santas little helper - New York

For those finding this website or just returning for yearly Christmas cheer, Thank You. keeping Christmas spirit alive

ID: 15014

12/13/2023 8:54:14 AM - Marc - LA

amethyst I know you're reading this I want a house for xmas buy me a house

12/13/2023 8:56:27 AM - Amethyst - Your grandmas house

Tell it to Santa baby ????????

ID: 15012

12/24/2022 4:28:19 PM. - Sarah - Georgetown, KY

I help whenever I can :)

ID: 15011

12/11/2022 10:54:27 PM - pl - The kiamichi Wilderness of Oklahoma in the United States

I help mommy as much as I can with cooking dinner at night I don't get to all the time but most of the time I do

ID: 15010

12/7/2022 4:30:14 PM - Lia - Houston, Tx

Did the light the word for today :)

ID: 15009

11/14/2022 3:54:48 PM - Jay - New york

Coming back to this website and seeing some Christmas cheer, hope yall have a great Christmas this year! And hopes of a better future to come.

12/11/2022 10:55:26 PM - pl - The kiamichi Wilderness of Oklahoma in the United States

That is very very nice I hope you get a merry Christmas too

12/23/2023 9:06:07 PM - nora - garden city,ny,us

I love that

ID: 15008

12/21/2021 5:36:42 PM. - skittles - wisconnsin

i baked cookies for the homeless in my state

12/11/2022 10:57:59 PM - pl - The kiamichi Wilderness the United States

OMG that's also very very nice you should do that every year you once again that's very very nice I hope all the homeless is very happy of that nice thing you did in your state

ID: 15007

12/20/2021 7:14:02 PM - Kemdi - Mirdiff

I helped my mom clean the house ??

ID: 15006

1/30/2021 12:42:35 AM - Poggers - Here

I ate the last cookie because my mom is on a diet

ID: 15005

12/22/2020 2:35:02 PM - Sara - Nigeria

I told my English teacher not to come because I'm positive to COVID-19 :)

12/2/2021 5:25:23 PM. - Ruby - Burnley

awwwwww thats soo kind to not spread covid 19 :3

12/11/2022 11:00:01 PM - pl - The kiamichi Wilderness the United States

that is so kind to not spread the covid-19 that is very very sweet if you have an Elf on the Shelf I bet they're very happy that you did that

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