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Random Acts Of Kindness

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ID: 698

12/10/2009 11:49:09 AM - Sandy S - Vancouver Island, BC, CANADA

Well even though I only work 2 days a week and I have a large family (4 kids), I am constantly reading about needy people in my area including homeless shelters, abused women, families who use the food banks because they had some bad luck...well since I have been able to get many items free by using coupons and watching sales, I have collected over 2000.00 worth of free or almost free products including toys, games,diapers, shampoos, toilettries, food, pet food, and I am going with my family to drop off the boxes of stuff next week to be given out to needy families.
Happy Holidays and try and do at least one thing this Holiday to help someone in need..

12/13/2009 11:06:51 AM - person :) - canada

very nice

11/29/2010 2:54:36 PM - Theresa - Alberta

You have a very kind heart. My mom & I along with about 10 elderly ladies have been knitting all kinds of things from socks,scarves.hats,mitts,blankets,sweaters etc & bundle them up to go to Women's Shelters & Out of the Cold & any other group of persons in need. The wool has been donations from LOTS of other ladies so it only costs us our time, which of course is NO CHARGE.

ID: 697

12/10/2009 11:36:30 AM - kristi - collinsville, il

I was getting gas in my car and it was 11 degrees and very windy & snowy. I put my debit card and started filling up. While the gas was pumping I went to sit back in my car. The man filling up his car next to me knocked at my window and told me that he would finish pumping the gas and closing my gas tank for me so that I did not have to get back out. It was a simple but very thoughtful act.

12/11/2009 2:03:20 AM. - jb - philippines

this month i had always think what will happen in everyday of my life i can't stop thinking about it so i wondered "can't i wait? enjoy,and be patient.
so that day i've learned that christmas was like that .

it was difficult but a thoughtful act


yes your right!! but you should understand harder;) so that its not difficult for you:) he he he!

ID: 696

12/10/2009 11:01:49 AM - sonia - ottawa

i wished the sales lAady merry christmas, and we made shoe box with goodies to send overseas for children in need.


WOW!!!!!!! your a very kind:)

ID: 695

12/10/2009 10:59:58 AM - claire - newfoundland

i think that every kid should get presents if they are naghty and if they are nice.and everyone in the janeway hostpital.

ID: 694

12/10/2009 10:30:01 AM. - Candace - Midlothian Texas

ugh my 3 boys drive me crazy but its cool

ID: 693

12/10/2009 10:26:50 AM. - Candace - Midlothian Texas

Help those who needs help today ................

ID: 688

12/10/2009 9:41:50 AM. - Gaugesmom - Fl

My sister has 5 kids and she never gets to go anywhere, so one night I watched her kids plus I have one of my own. Anyway I watched her kids so she could go on a 3 day cruise, if you have kids you know that it was a great act of kindness, one kid is really hard let alone 5 others. So I think I did a really kind act.

12/10/2009 11:00:54 AM - claire - newfoundland

thats nice of you

12/13/2009 11:08:50 AM - person :) - canada

it was kind. though you should not do kind acts to get praise, everyone deserves a little recognition sometimes.

ID: 687

12/10/2009 9:15:20 AM - Kathy - Dallas, Texas

I purchased a coat for an under priviledged high school student.

12/10/2009 11:02:17 AM - claire - newfoundland


12/10/2009 11:52:17 AM - Sandy S - Vancouver Island, BC, CANADA

why not? High school children can be just as needy as an adult, and worse, they have the pressure of their peers to deal with too...our local department store always donates shoes, prom dresses, and basics such as deoderant and toothpaste/brushes once a year...what if it was YOUR child?

I think you did a GREAT thing by buying someone a coat!

ID: 686

12/10/2009 7:31:45 AM - Emma - New York

For my act of kindness i went round my neighbours home when she was out and decided to spread some christmas cheer! I cut down her pine tree which is growning in her garden with a saw and put it in her front room and decorated it with all types of christmas joy!! Lights etc and placed a snow machine so she would have a white christmas, which was her wish! I have told nobody it was me hence im doing just for her, i need no praise from anybody to make me smile with glee:D

ID: 685

12/10/2009 7:24:18 AM. - Linda - West Midlands. UK

I was delivering catalogues and an elderly woman couldnt get into her house as the key had frozen in the lock, I managed to free it and she went inside in the warm, she was really grateful as she had been waiting an hour for the locksmith.

12/10/2009 10:19:29 PM - Randy - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA


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