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Random Acts Of Kindness

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ID: 2570

12/22/2011 5:53:50 PM. - S.W.A.G someone who admires God - Nassau,Bahamas

Well I forgot to post this, but I was very busy thou Christmas shopping. Well every time I see the people who asks for money to help for poor, and every time I saw them I donated at least $1:00 or more. My next random act of kindness was buying someone a air head which I really wish I got the time to actually eat it but instead I gave to someone who I really don't hang out with.

12/23/2011 10:50:06 AM. - paige hicks - bellvile ohio

that sweet! god bless!!!!

ID: 2569

12/22/2011 5:07:05 PM - Betsy - Murfreesboro, Tn

We run a small mission for those needing extra help. We are very short on funds this year so with the help of many older volunteers we managed to supply toys and food for 327 children, teens and families.What a blessing. We gave them out today 12/22. No one was left out. Now praying for funding again to get us thru next year.

12/23/2011 10:51:35 AM. - paige hicks - bellvile ohio

my friends house got set on fire by there heater and i gave her all my clouths yes all!

12/23/2011 2:14:12 PM - kkkkkkkkk - taxes

hearing that made my day

ID: 2568

12/22/2011 4:18:33 PM - c30366 - il

I gave my friend advice

ID: 2567

12/22/2011 3:27:44 PM. - Carla - Riverside, California

I work at a local college and finals week was from December 10th to December 16th. The students are always stressed between school and holiday events. They come to school with exhaustion written all over their faces. I walked by the cashier line where a student was standing scrounging through his pockets to find money to pay for a cup of coffee. When my turn came at the cashier, I paid for my food and his cup of coffee. He looked at me very surprised and said "Why?" I smiled as I told him to pay it forward to another when he could.

ID: 2566

12/22/2011 3:22:19 PM. - ML - Wisconsin

I paid for the family behind me in the drive thru at McDonalds. I told the cashier to tell them Merry Christmas. They looked as if they needed the help. Hope they enjoyed it.

12/22/2011 3:37:58 PM - Carmen - Corona, California USA

What a terrific idea! I will do that today (:

ID: 2565

12/22/2011 1:46:34 PM. - MAD_GooZe - Moscow

Just created a Christmas slideshow website! Enjoy ot and have happy holidays!

12/22/2011 1:47:23 PM. - MAD_GooZe - Moscow

quick fix

12/22/2011 9:11:36 PM - marry - Turlock

On Xmas I will always help my mom cook and clean

12/23/2011 6:26:42 AM - Nathan - Holbeach

Wow! nice slideshow!!

ID: 2564

12/22/2011 12:46:40 PM - Danny - Pakenham, Victoria

The other day I was at the supermarket and I noticed an elderly lady trying to open her bonnet as she noticed something wrong so i did it all for her and off she went

ID: 2563

12/22/2011 12:32:46 PM. - Mermaid - Seattle

I've been singing with a group of women for more than a dozen years, once a month (the group has been singing for over 30 years!) I wanted to give the facilitator a nice gift of a booklet of just Christmas songs; I copy and pasted songs from this website and made a booklet of 33 songs, and gave it to her at our annual December Holiday Sing, this past Saturday. Everyone was thrilled with a new booklet, and we started singing songs.

Someone requested we sing (my favorite) Winterwonderland. We were happily and beautifully singing the song, until the second verse,

"In the meadow we can build a snowman
and pretend that he's a circus clown
We'll have lots of fun with mister snowman
until the ALLIGATORS knock him down!"

When we got to the sentence, and people read along (a lot of people apparently don't know the words in that paragraph, and actually read the word, "alligators." I DO know that the words are "until the other kids knock him down" at that point, and sang the correct words... everyone stopped singing at that point, and started laughing, and laughing, and... I was quite embarrassed, and promised to make the correction (knowing I copy and pasted all words, making no changes, or catching the error!). Everyone made me promise NOT to change the words, because it was so funny. They said that every year, from now on, we'd sing the 'alligators' word, instead. So the Christmas Caroling Booklet stands, uncorrected from now on! We really do have a great time singing together, and we sound great - even with the wrong words! (A NOTE: The person(s) in charge, may want to make the correction, on this website!) Thank you for all the great work you did putting this site together! May you all have as much fun singing these, as we did and will...

12/22/2011 2:44:47 PM - Randy G. (the webmaster) - Orange County, CA, USA

Oh my goodness! You're right! The words on our site were wrong! I can't believe I missed that for all these years (that was one of the first songs I added to the site over 10 years ago!).

I'm happy to hear that your group had fun with my little mistake. That's really what it's all about anyway! I must admit, I laughed out loud reading your little story. You all sound like my kind of people! And yes...if there's a mistake anywhere on this site...I'm the one to blame! :)

I wish a Merry Christmas to you and all of your group! And if ever there's a video with the new wacky words, I'm expecting an email (!

Randy Gonzalez

12/22/2011 3:37:03 PM. - Mermaid - Seattle

Randy (Gonzalez - I LOVE the spelling of your last name - TWO "ZEES"!)

Maybe our singing group should record the song with the "alligators" word in there! Now THAT would be a hoot! I, personally didn't like the song version you had in the music link song; I wanted to find out if the sung words included our "new-word version", but she [Amy Grant?] didn't sing that much of the song. I thought Amy Grant sung on-tune better than that (but, of course, I wouldn't recognize her voice if it came up and plugged my ears...).

Thank you for getting back to me; I laughed when I found out it was on the website for 10 years! I can't wait to tell the Women about this next month (January 14th)! I hope your Holidays are wonderfully memorable, and Happy New Year!

Martha (Mermaid - I love to swim)

P.S. This wrong-word incident reminds me of a related story. For MANY years, I loved and sung to the song, Bad Moon Rising" by Creedance Clearwater Revival (you may be too young to remember this one... anyway, in the song there are the words, "Don't go around tonight, Well, it's bound to take your life, there's a Bad Moon on the Rise." For at least 20 years I thought the last line was, "There's a bathroom on the right." I would sing this song at the top of my lungs, not caring who hears me, obviously; until one day someone laughed at me, saying what the words REALLY were. I still today, laugh when I hear that song... kind of like our new version of Winter Wonderland... there's a bathroom on the ringht! Sheesh, what does THAT have to do with dying.... well, I guess if you need a bathroom real quick.... oh, never mind... Im getting old and am easily entertained! "...until the alligators knocked him down!" Now THAT's funny!

12/22/2011 5:26:02 PM - Randy G - Orange County, CA

Hey Mermaid,

I'm definitely old enough to remember CCR (I turned 51 last week)! Please share my apologies with the folks in your group....and seriously if a recording ever surfaces of the song...I need to hear it!

I was going to fix the site right away, but it's kinda funny, so maybe I'll leave it there for a bit longer! :)

I'm glad that we all got a little laugh out of it! I'm still giggling with the mental picture of your group singing right along with nobody noticing!

And, sorry to all that have read this post that we side tracked a bit from the Random Acts of Kindness. Mermaid's funny story cracked me up a bit, so sharing it was a Random Act of Kindness toward me!

Merry Christmas All!

Randy G.

12/22/2011 8:07:36 PM - maricela - Turlock

For Christmas I'm going to make nice cards for my naberhood

12/25/2011 10:05:30 PM - Alexandria - California

You know what, I made a Carol book, too, and I noticed that a lot of the words were wrong. Such as, in "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" it says cousin BELLE, but it is supposed to be cousin Melle. GREAT DETECTIVE WORK!

ID: 2562

12/22/2011 11:35:32 AM. - justin and cody - Desoto, Texas

we went and volunteered at a homeless shelter and served them dinner a few times a month

12/22/2011 6:11:42 PM - nene - miami

i do my chores for my mom to be good

12/22/2011 6:14:15 PM - Justin and Cody - Texas

That's nice

12/28/2012 5:50:15 AM. - Chara kapodistria - Greece

very nice....i wish i could do the same you did...

ID: 2561

12/22/2011 11:33:17 AM. - KC - Desoto, Texas

I made a pillow for my mom and she was so amazed i did it on my own cause i am10

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