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Random Acts Of Kindness

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ID: 2414

12/15/2011 2:50:47 PM - emmy - pennsilvania

I jumped in front of a soccerball in gym so my friend wouldn't get hit

12/16/2011 5:37:21 PM - bb - anderson south carolina

wow you are a realley good friend for that. are you are ok

12/23/2011 5:16:38 PM - Hann - nebraska

good job

1/9/2012 7:26:26 PM - Beth - California

Ouch! That is so nice. Are you okay????

ID: 2413

12/15/2011 2:14:22 PM. - penny - ohio

when i was in an elavater i saw a man with a robotic leg and saw he was wereing a army suit i looked at him and he looked at me and looked upset that i was staring and then i just said thank you for your serves then he huged me

12/16/2011 5:38:21 PM - bb - anderson south carolina

thats the right thing to do :)

12/23/2011 5:15:46 PM - Hann - nebraska

great job thats the right thing to do god bless you

ID: 2412

12/15/2011 2:09:54 PM. - penny - ohio

my grandpa has cancer and i have been with him and standing by him and he is a veteren so on veterens day i worked for weeks to throw him a party and i always go to the v.a with him and hug the sad or lonly old men and women there and we just found out his cancer stoped growing an shrank!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!

12/16/2011 5:39:17 PM - bb - anderson south carolina

that is a relief:)

12/18/2011 3:33:28 PM - Daniel - New, Mexico

Praise God!!!! Congrats!!

12/23/2011 5:16:20 PM - Hann - nebraska

Thats great news congrats

ID: 2407

12/15/2011 1:00:10 PM. - Isis - Texas City, Texas

Often at Christmas time when I am in a restaurant, I will pay for someone elses meal before I leave. This year at Thanksgiving my family an I were at a restaurant and I paid for a elderly couples meal. For some reason the minute that couple walked in, I knew I needed to do that.

12/15/2011 2:10:18 PM. - penny - ohio

how sweet

12/15/2011 9:00:53 PM - Bridgette - Arizona

Thats so nice of you because you like doing it and enjoy dOing it

ID: 2406

12/15/2011 12:21:35 PM. - Mrs. Nap - Hawthorne, NJ

My 10th Grade Confirmation class will be delivering flowers and singing Christmas songs to a few homebound people in our St. Anthony's RC Church parish this Sunday. They made ornaments to hang with their names on them and we will wrap the Pointsetta flower pots with festive foil. Five parents volunteered for driving and the flowers and materials were all donations. We are visiting eight homebound households to give them some Christmas cheer! This serves as part of their Confirmation service to our community as well learning to serve others with joy and happiness for all!

12/15/2011 8:58:48 PM - Bridgette - Arizona


ID: 2405

12/15/2011 11:49:44 AM - Colt - Ruidoso, New Mexico

I was eating at a local restaurant and observed a soldier eating at a table by himself. I asked the waitress that was serving his table to bring me his bill, but not to tell him who did it and just to thank him for his service to our country.

12/15/2011 12:21:10 PM - Ruthie - Bedford, IN

Good for you!! So proud of our military. Thanks for helping that soldier.

ID: 2404

12/15/2011 7:33:11 AM - Shelli - Ohio

Helped a lady in a scooter at the grocery store put Cokes in her cart. I hope someone will always make sure I have my Diet Coke if I'm ever to weak to lift them!!!



ID: 2403

12/15/2011 7:09:23 AM - Ruthie - Bedford, IN

I lost my job last January, so I have a lot of time on my hands now. I volunteer to ring the bell for the Salvation Army. I take my CD player and sing Christmas songs. You can see people smile when they see and hear me, especially the older people. I am 57 years young myself. I am sure it brings back a lot of great memories for some people. I love to sing and helping out this charity makes me feel good about myself again.

12/18/2011 3:35:49 PM - Janice - New, Mexico

It's nice that even when you dont have a job you think of others and help them.

ID: 2401

12/14/2011 5:16:29 PM. - Melody - Exeter RI

As I was decorating my home, I realized how lucky we are to have a warm shelter from the cold. I went into my linen closet and took out some warm blankets we had as extras and asked my son if he'd like to join me and deliver them to the local animal shelter. He smiled and off we went. We can't adopt any animals at this time but we can make sure they are warm!!!

12/15/2011 4:55:05 PM - Daniella - Canada

That is very nice for you to do because you're bringing blankets for animals that are in a animal shelter!!!! good job that your making them warm for the winter!!!!

ID: 2400

12/14/2011 2:42:29 PM. - Zumbajp - Holtville, California

Herd a older gentleman sneeze really loud. Turned around and told him Bless you! He sneezed again, again I said Bless you and smiled. He smiled back and said thank you and Merry Christmas! I too told him Merry Christmas... You know what? He was jolly, round and had a long white beard! hmmmm Santa at Walmart! I think so! :) Made my day!

12/17/2011 10:52:26 AM. - jessica - kentucky

really wow!

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