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1/2/2013 3:37:24 PM - kenzie - mont ind
my mom is sick and i am helping her
1/2/2013 3:56:05 PM - Icy - United states
is she alright?
3/27/2013 12:21:18 PM - Christian Girl - California, USA
Kenzie, is your mom all right? I am praying for her. God bless you and your family
12/30/2012 5:53:11 PM - kenzie - Monticello , Indiana
i helped my babysister open her presents on christmas day
12/30/2012 4:44:02 PM - Marilyn - Tooele, Utah
Heard on the news: Acts of kindness was displayed at a Canadian Drive-Thru that started by one customer paying for his order and the order of the next car behind. The 'Pay-It-Backward' acts of kindness lasted for 3 hours.
Happy Holidays
1/30/2013 10:45:14 AM. - jay - briton
thank you
happy new year 2013
12/27/2012 4:34:21 AM. - Carlene - Mansfield, Ohio.
Four days before Christmas, my younger sister Shirley was informed that her husband had a limited time to live and would have to be moved to hospice care.
She has one son who is always there, ready to help, but otherwise she would be alone.
I debated about leaving my own family to drive over 60 miles north to spend Christmas with her. After much encouragement from my own daughter, I quickly packed my bags, and headed to her place on the 23rd. Both she and her son were soooo grateful for the support, and were so happy to have family at this time. We spent Christmas day at the hospice, but it was much easier for both of them to know that someone else cared.We all had a merry Christmas in spite of the seriousness of the illness, and now I will celebrate a belated Christmas with my own children and grandchildren this weekend.It is a good feeling to know that you can bring such joy to others for a small act of kindness that does not cost but a tank of gas!
1/30/2013 10:39:54 AM. - jay - briton
yes right now it is new year 29 days ago
11/23/2013 6:38:25 PM - anonymous;-) - canada
god bless you. that was a wonderful thing to do.
12/27/2012 12:28:51 AM. - kazza - United Kindom
Told this Joke to my dad and he was on the floor laughing but no one else found it funny:/
Knock Knock
Who's There
Nunya who
Nunya Buisness
1/2/2013 4:14:48 PM - Icy - United states
3/27/2013 12:24:40 PM - Christian Girl - California, USA
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! That is hilarious! I'm going to tell that to my parents right now!!!!! God bless.
10/22/2013 3:59:34 PM. - Sarah - Summer bay
OMG my brother says that to me all the time
12/26/2012 6:19:47 PM - pounds - usa
me and my sis are mean to each other sense we went to church we started being nice
1/2/2013 3:51:59 PM - Icy - United states
that's nice
1/20/2013 5:07:57 PM - robert - kanses city
Jusy at church or everywere too
12/26/2012 4:09:14 AM - Jing - Philippines
I always share my food to my friends if they don't have any food. And I always help my mom at home.
12/25/2012 1:12:29 PM. - Rev. Stone - Grants Pass/Selma, Oregon
I was involved with a Citizen Band Radio Club called REACT & we monitored CB channel 9, sometimes pranksters would make false emergency radio calls & I've always called in just about everything no matter how outlandish & here are just a couple examples; I was in Grants Pass Oregon in 1990 & I got a call about a traffic accident & I thought I heard giggling in the background & when I asked where to send Paramedics I got real suspicious when they said something like 66th ave well now no place in all of southern Oregon has a 66th ave, maybe Portland or Eugene so I got as much info from the drunken sounding & giggling man on the CB & went back to monitoring & really felt this was a fake call but I called Oregon State Police just in case, told them my suspicions but they called Utah State police just to play it safe & 3 days later Utah State Police called me & said if it were not for my actions that the pedestrian hit by an 18 wheeler Drunk Driver who radioed it in to my React Station would have bled to death & was in a hospital recovering well, I have tears of joy in my eyes as I share this with you, anther time I got a very weak call on the CB & the guy sounded inebriated, he said he was up in the mountains about 50 miles south of my Base Station stuck in the snow, it was almost spring & we had no recent snow & it was all melted off surrounding mountains & knowing the area where he said he was I seriously doubted that he was stuck in the snow in late April, I told him that its illegal to make fake Emergency CB Radio calls like his, he replied he & wife & 2 kids had been rationing a couple of candy bars for a few days & eating snow for water, this guy sounded like he was stoned drunk & chuckling allot but I called it in & told 911 I really felt it was fake & hung up, I kept thinking about having to ration candy bars & eating snow & watching my family freeze to death but there is no snow anywhere this time of year but it kept bugging me so after several hours I touched bases with 911 & they said they had no resources to check out this off-road are & there would be no snow anyway especially for a possible fake transmission so I told them I attempt to recontact this guy via CB #9 & it took me several hours to get a response & I finally did & I told him 911 had no one to check his story out & that I though he was laughing & drunk & he responded he was severing & slow from 4 days exposure for a day trip with no warm clothes & was stuck in a snow drift in a very overgrown & shadowed forest road & could I call his brother in-law to come get them & then the brother in-law thought I was a prank caller but its a good thing the guy had said what brand his CB radio was so that proved my story & about a week latter they contacted me & told me I saved this families lives & one kid was out of Insulin so I saved the day & I told them Jesus wouldn't have it any other way & it was this disabled persons pleasure & not there's, after these calls I never hesitated on radio calls no matter how fake & from my law enforcement friends there have been more fake than not but a life save is just that & I'm on disability & should do something to repay my benefits seeings how a TBI makes it so I can't work. I live for random acts of kindness, ie; someone is at a store in the cashier line ahead of me/you & are a little short help them out I do sometimes even when I really cant afford to especially when its for something like Diapers, medicine & food for someone hungry & less off than I, I stop & let stranded motorist use my cell phone or beak out jumper cables or even the tow strap to get them out of a ditch & never accept a tip & instead instruct them to give my tip to the next stranger they fell compassion for as that's what this world so dearly lacks is Compassion, buy a cold person a blanket, buy a traveler or homeless person a meal & be sure to give them food for their pets. Thank You all for Your Random Acts of Kindness!
12/26/2012 6:22:06 PM - pounds - usa
that is one long comment
1/7/2013 9:08:25 AM. - sharon - mo
hoping you had a blessed christmas and new year...Jesus wants us to love each other as He loves us....not to judge others as we as CHRISTIANS have the spirit of Christ living in us and if those people used you then in actuaity they were using Christ and he will judge actions of others who prank and do wicked acts
12/25/2012 10:38:00 AM - Phyllis - Los Angeles, CXA
I spent my last penny on someone I love.
12/25/2012 8:37:55 AM - pattyandy - Hillsborough, nj
Every Christmas my sister and brother-in-law and I donate cash to a woman who lost her husband in 1999, and has 4 children. I have been donating since the year 2000, and we have donated over $6,000. She is most apprieciative, and the feeling you get when she leaves a message on my phone and you read her thank you card, makes you understand "money means nothing, helping someone in need is really what gives you peace".
She has 1 son who is attending Rutgers and another soon to enter Montclair state, with 2 others now in high school. She has a beautiful family and only wants the best for them!
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