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Random Acts Of Kindness

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ID: 4062

12/17/2012 1:01:52 PM - sally - london

i gave ?40 to street child africa to sent a child to school

12/17/2012 4:28:32 PM. - daniella - canada

that child must of been very happy that he/she could go to school!!

12/17/2012 4:40:56 PM - Autumn Mew - Northwest Territory

Wow that is verrrryyyyy genoruos

ID: 4061

12/17/2012 12:48:31 PM - Me - USA

A friend from the pub who is seperated said he had no X-mas tree because his ex took it. I found the best tree in the area took it and netted it up, delivered and set up for him. Should have seen the look on his kids face .. PRICELESS ..

ID: 4060

12/17/2012 11:22:33 AM. - Hannah - USA

My friend was crying because she messed her project up because the teacher said not to do that type of project she did. So I got her project and went up to the teacher and talked to her on how she could just do the project like she did. Teacher said yes, and I got a big hug and thanks form her!

ID: 4059

12/17/2012 10:26:02 AM. - PEG - NH

The best kindness you could do for another is share your
Faith...the true reason for this season...Set an example
by living your Faith, "Others First" is the best place to start...Hold the door open for others, don't be impatient,
don't beep every time someone cuts you off, make time for your loved ones , look after your parents as they get older,
learn from others ,their advice may help you, never leave your house angry,learn to forgive, someone probably has to forgive you also... Don't forget to take your children to church, give them a Faith to help them that will stay with
them long after you are gone...Appreciate others and be
content with what you have and thankful...

ID: 3068

12/16/2012 8:08:11 PM. - anika - Olympia, WA

i got my friend a Christmas present she's been asking and asking for

12/17/2012 9:54:47 AM - tills - uk (unitedkingdom)

How genorous of you you should be proud of yourself :)

ID: 3067

12/16/2012 6:46:55 PM. - Nancy - Okotoks.alberta,Canada


12/17/2012 7:22:20 AM - emma - nyc

that is really nice. i hope my neighbor could help us. he is a plumber

12/17/2012 9:06:55 AM. - sharon - mo

what a would have been real expensive.God bless you as you share .thank you for being an angel in disguise....merry x mas to everyone near and far.....

12/17/2012 9:57:09 AM - tills - uk (unitedkingdom)

tell your husband well done you should be proud of yourself

ID: 3066

12/16/2012 4:23:57 PM. - Katherine Cox - Bakersfield, CA 93302 United States

I will go to a store and when I am done shopping and if I have a lot of food in my cart, and I see someone behind me, and they have just a few things to purchase, I will let them get in front of me. If I see clothes laying on the floor in a department store, I will pick it up and find its rightful location and put it there. If someone is pulling out of a parking lot and I see that there is a clearing where they have a chance to pull out, I will let them come out before I turn into that parking lot.
My husband and I was coming to an intersection one day and there was a girl and her brother on a bicycle and she was on the handle bars. When he was coming to a stop she fell forward and her foot got caught in the spokes and the frame of the front wheel. I jumped out of the car and ran to help pull her foot out of the spokes. I told the girl to get in the car and we will follow her brother home and my husband carried her inside the house. We felt so sorry for that little girl. I hope that taught them a lesson, not to ride on the bike handle bars like that ever again.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!

12/16/2012 8:05:06 PM. - anika - olympia washington

WOW that is so sweet :)

12/23/2012 12:04:46 PM. - sharon - mo


ID: 3064

12/16/2012 12:31:41 PM - Pat G. - Canada

I was making hampers for people in need with my friends at my church. We got to deliver them to the place we had to go, they were so happy to see us!

12/16/2012 3:49:41 PM - Dayja - lubbock

That is so nice am trying to help the world by turning of t.v.'s and lights when we are not waching and when we dont need lights.

12/17/2012 9:09:47 AM. - sharon - mo

that is soo neat....I asm soo glad that people are helping each other....

ID: 3063

12/16/2012 12:14:26 PM. - Henry - Canada

I was behind a lady with a young teenage daughter buying school clothes. The daughter was all excited about the items she had picked. When the cashier rang in the items the lady did not have enough and tears started to swell up in the young girls eyes. I told the cashier that I would make up the shortfall. The look in the girl's eyes was worth a thousand thank yous.

12/17/2012 9:12:45 AM. - sharon - mo

what a beautiful way to share kindnes....sometimes it is embarassing not to have enough money to pay for things especially in the high prices of things....

12/17/2012 11:26:05 AM - Dianna - Roy

That is so amazing! I bet the girl will always remember you and your generosity. Thank you for being someone's miracle that day.

12/17/2012 2:04:08 PM. - Eleanor - Manchester, UK

That's very kind of you! :)

-Eleanor C.

ID: 3062

12/16/2012 12:02:52 PM - Esther Usher - United Kingdom

I always help others and use my manners!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

12/20/2012 5:55:22 AM - K.B - London

Thats nice :)

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