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Random Acts Of Kindness

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ID: 2931

12/3/2012 1:46:55 PM. - Asio - King of Prussia, PA

Every Christmas, my mom and I bake cookies and go around to our neighbors. We give them ours cookies and carol for them. It is fun becuase we get to do it with our family. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! And rememeber, SMILE!

ID: 2929

12/3/2012 9:13:18 AM. - Michael and Janet Poulimas - Sharpsville, IN

Each Christmas we put on a free computerized Christmas light show to give back to all the families in our community. We take free pictures of children with Santa in his sleigh, greet all the cars with candy canes and the church in our small town passes out free refreshments. We also have a veterans memorial with flags and crosses which bear the names of veterans who gave the lives for their country so others remember those who protect and serve our country. We have special songs which tell about our greatest gift, our children. Our website is This is our way of practicing "Pay It Forward".

ID: 2928

12/3/2012 8:26:00 AM - Teri - Alamogordo New Mexico

I buy Christmas ornaments, wrap them, attach a tag that says "Merry Christmas from Santa" then leave them on the door steps of random houses in our neighborhood. I've been doing it for years and was only "caught" once by the homeonwner. I have to admit, I didn't think of the idea my self, someone did it for me years ago and I've just adopted the tradation. Come on, who doesn't love a surprise gift from Santa!

ID: 2927

12/3/2012 1:41:00 AM - Musawar - Canada

Well I happened to go to the Windsor Christmas parade and gave money to the crew hosting it. I gave a sweater to a homeless person and treated a couple of the crew that I saw to Tim Hortons afterwards. If you want to see the Christmas parade, view it at: and part 2 at Thank you. I really enjoyed reading about all of the kind things you've all been doing. It's really heart-warming.

ID: 2925

12/2/2012 5:33:18 PM. - mariane - winooski vermont

I have decided to do random acts of kindness everyday in the month of December. So far I have bought an elderly gentleman breakfast. Put quarters in the candy machines at a grocery store. Paid for the three cars behind me at Mcdonalds. Paid for the car behind me at dunkin donuts. More to come!

12/3/2012 3:18:06 PM - Pippylongstockings - Australia

That is what I say is nice and should be on hear

ID: 2924

12/2/2012 5:20:47 PM - Katie M. - Clyde,nc

i gave compliments all day Friday of 11-30-12!!!!! how cool is that guys :):):)<<<333

ID: 2921

12/2/2012 2:23:21 PM - pippylongstockings - australia

my teacher always said i was good awesome because i am always helping people in my class and at home at home i help everyone in my family.

12/3/2012 4:48:51 PM - Shannon - nj

that is nice

ID: 2920

12/2/2012 12:35:05 PM. - CAR CAR - AUGUSTA KANSAS

my class went and raked leaves for the schools nahborhood and
we went to the nurseing home and did a vetarains day project

12/2/2012 2:24:00 PM - pippylongstockings - australia


12/4/2012 6:18:50 AM - Callum Rollins - Birmingham, England

I helped my 2 year old brother with the numbers and also helped the amily put up the chistmas tree :)

12/4/2012 4:26:55 PM - carly spencer - augusta kansas

very sweet

ID: 2919

12/2/2012 12:06:49 PM - BREANNA - Minnesota

I help my sister with spelling

12/2/2012 2:24:48 PM - pippylongstockings - australia

that is being a nice sister

12/3/2012 4:55:42 PM - Shannon - nj

that is nice

ID: 2918

12/2/2012 11:56:28 AM - Leila - Santa Clarita

I helped my friend with her homework. I proofread a narrative and helped her with her math homework :)

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