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Random Acts Of Kindness

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ID: 2859

11/26/2012 3:17:58 PM. - Ciara - Massachusetts

I said a prayer at Thanksgiving Dinner. Everyone in my family held hands as we prayed. My sister said it with me. I had a great Thanksgiving after that, with turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, pie, and much more!

11/26/2012 5:34:55 PM. - Savvy - WallaWalla Washington USA

Thats cool I say the prayers on every meal in my house XD

11/28/2012 3:22:08 PM - Ariana - Arizona

Wow Such a nice thing to do! Everyone should say prayers on Thanksgiving to show their appreciation of what they have!!

ID: 2858

11/26/2012 1:23:35 PM - daniela - monterrey, mexico

I bought toys for underprivileged children so that they can open a new present around xmas. They usually get used toys so I thought why not giving them something real new bought specially for them?

11/26/2012 1:58:06 PM - kenzie - Monticello , Indiana

that is cool

11/26/2012 4:39:44 PM - skilover - USA

that is such a nice thing to do.

ID: 2857

11/26/2012 1:08:50 PM - Marmar - Canada

When I was in grade two, I had to go to a new school and everyone made fun of me but one girl. All she did was come up to me and say hi but that made me so happy to know there are kind and friendly people out there. You just have to look hard enough! A new kid recently came to my school and like every other so far, I greated him. I just hope it made as much a difference in his life, as it did to mine:)
"unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothings going to get better. It's not."

ID: 2856

11/26/2012 1:02:34 PM - Tiana - Massachusetts

I watched my little sister for my mom when she went to the store.

11/27/2012 4:28:18 AM - kenzie - Monticello , Indiana

i did to it is fun t wotch baby kid did you wotch ababy kid

ID: 2855

11/26/2012 1:00:09 PM - tasha - united states

this year i'm going to help my little one open all her presents on christmas day and help her open her stocking presents me and my family can not aford to decorate our yard for christmas i'm going to donate some of my toys i don't need to kids who don't have any toys to play with this year i think that toys for tots is so nice that way you can donate toys to kids in different contrys that way kids can play with your old toys!!!!!!

11/28/2012 3:26:03 PM - Bren - India

great thing 2 do
soooo generous
good for you thats great
you should feel good about doing that!!

12/1/2012 5:23:20 AM - carebear - grantham N.H

your a great person

ID: 2854

11/26/2012 11:15:37 AM. - Alison - New Jersey

I have two: last year my sister and I were in the grocery store behind a woman who was buying her items for Thanksgiving dinner. When they totaled the bill, she did not have enough money for everything so she had them take off the pumpkin pies she was buying. My sister and I looked at each other and told the cashier to add them on to our bill and we bought them for her. Also, a few years ago my sister and I were at the mall. I was taking bags to the car and my sister stayed up by the store front. She overheard a man on a telephone saying he was hoping to get a church voucher because he had no money and needed diapers and formula for his baby. He did not know that she heard him. She told me that she really felt sorry for him. We only had $20 between us but we figured he could use it. Just as I walked up behind him, he said to the person on the phone, "I just have to trust that the Lord will provide." I tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around, and I handed him the $20 and told him that I hoped it would help. He was so happy and was almost speechless considering the words that had just been spoken out of his mouth. It still gives me chills thinking about it. There is no greater reward than helping others - humans and animals alike.

11/26/2012 1:12:47 PM - Marmar - Newfoundland, Canada

You and your sister seem so thoughtful! I'm glad there are still some of you people around.

11/26/2012 9:40:31 PM. - zoe - oklahoma

that was wonderful of you i think you are wonderful!

11/28/2012 3:33:13 PM - Karoline - Wakefield MA

Wow you can write.... anyway GODJOB

11/29/2012 1:52:38 AM - MJ - WI


12/1/2012 5:26:15 AM - carebear - grantham N.H

you are so nice never let anyone tell you different

ID: 2853

11/26/2012 9:59:49 AM - one of a kind - leigh

i helped my grandma and grandad put up the christmas trees and get things out the loft because the are a bit ill and my grandma has a bad arm

12/1/2012 10:21:27 AM. - Caitlin C.C - Somerset UK

I was looking at these posts and i have been doing that all day! x
p.s my gran has a bad arm too i hope its not too seriouse1

ID: 2852

11/26/2012 9:47:19 AM - A.g. - richmond,va

I am going to pay three strangers tolls when I go through today.

I am also going to pay three peoples bill at the dollar tree this week.

ID: 2851

11/26/2012 8:08:11 AM - Maddie - U.S.A.

This Christmas I am going to help out at a food kitchen with my family insted of staying home, and hopfully I will be able to get a job there.

ID: 2850

11/26/2012 7:03:20 AM - Audra - texas

Me and my family invited a man over for Thanksgiving because his family was in another country.

11/26/2012 9:06:34 AM - one and only - leigh

thats nice

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