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10/7/2014 6:55:57 PM - Christina - USA
I picked up my friend's pencil pouch when he dropped it! I also collected items for babies at a homeless shelter!
PS- Hi Jess!??????????????
9/14/2014 5:24:19 PM. - Sara - USA
One random act of kindness that I do regularly is this: Whenever I notice that the clock says 9:11, I pray for the people that were lost on 9/11, as well as their families. I know that an experience like that is hard to bounce back from, and it will never be forgotten, but I also know that God can help make those people happy.
9/16/2014 2:00:59 PM - Haley - USA
That is very sweet of you to do this. Most people think about 11:11 to wish for something for themselves, but you doing this is amazing and I have never thought about it before. Have a great day!
9/4/2014 7:37:11 PM. - Mic - Arlington heights I'll
Helped during a flood with several cool people and not so, but all worked together sooooo cool........ chew your words.... Before you spit them out!
6/22/2014 9:03:54 AM - Lil Corn - North Carolina
I helped my daddy cook dinner for neighborhood.
5/29/2014 1:53:11 AM. - paige - adelaide australia
My mum told me that when I was younger around the age
of 2-3, my little sister Mariah was just about ready to eat a cockroach, then my mum said that I jumped up & ran to my
sister & snatched the cockroach out of her hand then threw it on the floor just before she ate the cockroach & had a nasty & grose taste in her mouth. So that's my random act of kindness.
10/7/2014 6:54:29 PM - Christina - USA
That sure is random!
11/30/2014 4:13:04 PM - Ching - USA
thats so sweet. I would do the same thing for my little
3/1/2014 10:04:24 AM. - Rick - Charleston, SC
My wife and I like to buy Christmas gifts for less fortunate folks in our church. We also want to secretly pay off somebody's layaway in one of the local stores here. We also sponsor a child overseas and we sent her family some money last Christmas.
5/24/2014 6:19:29 AM - Cat - U.S.A.
That's really nice!
9/16/2014 2:01:43 PM - Haley - USA
That is amazing!
11/2/2014 4:24:50 AM - Shannon - NC
That's so nice that you take the time and money to buy Christmas gifts for the less fortunate. Not to mention secretly paying off someone else's layaway and sponsering a less fortunate family overseas! You are just so generous and I thank you for what you do!
2/15/2014 8:44:24 AM - Em - Iowa
I rushed to my sister before she duck taped her mouth.
11/30/2014 4:17:57 PM - Ching - USA
Life saver. who knows what would happen if she DID duck tape her mouth!
1/27/2014 12:39:02 PM - snowgirl - Maryland
I shoveled snow from a neighbor's sidewalk leading to the community mailbox for our part of the street. It makes it easier for the mailperson to deliver mail without having to step in a pile of snow...sometimes they have to step out of their truck if they have a lot of mail.
1/25/2014 3:13:13 PM - Beth - England
Hey guys I just wanted to start a conversation with somebody I'm so board lol. And I have a question well lol it's a non realistic one I want to become a famous singer. I am 14 and I don't know what to do. I guess I sound ok I just need easy songs to sing . Do u guys now a song then can get high pitched but not the whole song. I really hope somebody reads this Thanks
1/26/2014 1:24:26 PM - Taylor - USA
Omg well ill give u advice look its my dream to just go on amgt and see what happens I don't know a song I hope other people will. Good luck . Ps. Why do u want to become famous singer. And want all thy mouny anyway
2/9/2014 8:31:44 PM - steph - Birmingham England
What about walking in the air sweetie OK
9/14/2014 5:21:03 PM. - Sara - USA
I'm in the same position as you, except I'm a bit younger. I want to be a famous singer, and from what I've gathered, the best thing to do is work hard and take your time. Have fun on the journey to becoming a singer. Know that you have to work hard to get where you want to be, and don't expect it to happen quickly. Just do what you love and enjoy the ride.
11/12/2014 3:44:05 PM - scrat - canada
go on with your dream and dont listen to what the mean people say buy an FYI:this is for random acts of kindness so maybe you might want to try a chat wall or some thing.
bye and good luck! p.s tumbler or omegle are 2 chat walls.
11/13/2014 7:39:48 AM - amy - england
ya i agree with scrat.
1/23/2014 5:06:59 PM. - danielle - ca
this is a school thing. It's only for 5th graders wich I am. We are drawing a picture of good and happy things cus they are finding kidnapped children so we will each send our individual pics to the Washington place and they will vote who wins the contest. whoever wins will get a trip to Washington and see the ceremony. I am putting a lot of meaning into this cus if I win I want to say hi and give all the children hugs and if I can afford it I might buy them a little present. I hope they find all children! :)
1/25/2014 3:14:16 PM - Beth - England
That's nice
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