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12/22/2013 1:16:13 PM. - Kelly - Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada
Helping the needy
12/22/2013 11:45:11 AM - Lissi-Bissi - U.S.A
We were each doing a gift for whoever and I got called to choose a bag for it. I got a Christmas tree one and by the time one of my friends got a bag the only ones left I think were the candy cane bags. He didn't want that bag but that was the only type of bags left. He came back to his desk and said that he didn't want that bag I think. I'm pretty sure I hesitated, but I gave him the Christmas tree bag and he gave my the candy cane bag.
1/5/2014 6:33:02 AM - Mariah - Iowa
I know. it takes a lot of courage to do those things. even when they're little simple things.
12/22/2013 11:42:42 AM - Lawanda - Alexandria, la.
I am a teacher and I gave each one of my students gifts and we played Xmas Christmas gift Merry christmas to all!
12/23/2013 7:41:25 AM - so sweet - U.S.A.
That's sweet
1/5/2014 6:36:56 AM - Mariah - Iowa
I'm a kid who LOVES school,and I always think it's cool when our teacher gives us treatsl.
12/22/2013 11:18:35 AM. - Rose - Muscle Shoals, Alabama
I wish every one Merry Christmas and help them find their last minute Christmas items. I also have done random acts of kindness outside work are.
Merry Christmas all
12/22/2013 9:38:29 AM. - karsyn.a - shawnee kc
I open the door for people
12/21/2013 4:39:58 PM. - GMH - Ballard Utah USA
We have wonderful neighbors who like to come and visit. I wrote these poems for them
Charity is our Guiding Star
While in this life we find such things, so varied in their scope.
Calamities and choices many, along life's braided rope.
We can choose because of love, to go, to do, to say.
In agencies fine care we rest, we can choose our path, our way.
We can choose the path of education, the college, school or class.
We can build our bodies strength and health, our choice is far and vast.
So what we choose, is the path we walk, the path we set and trod.
We can choose to walk with Satan's friends or choose to walk with God.
There is one sure way in life to go, and it's light is brighter still.
Just what you ask is the way to go? Just where should we stay our will.
Just look around and see mankind, there are those in need today!
The meek and humbled of the earth are suffering in a mournful way.
But there is hope in charity, God's strength for man, for all!
It lift's, it guides, it shows the way, it answers heaven's call.
For Charity is our Guiding Star shone up from heaven above.
And is the way for us to walk in God's hope, God's Light, God's Love.
So act today in charity in the Light of Christ be true.
Hold to the rod of faith in deed and do what he'd have us do.
The Charismatic Turkey serves a feast of great renown.
In the country there lived a farmer young but seasoned to the job.
He raised his grain his garden too and a talking turkey named young bob.
Bob grew as turkeys do when fed and tended with good care.
And watched as each thanksgiving took his friends away to share.
He asked the farmer one fine day what would be his fate in life.
Why to be the center of a feast to feed the honored guests and wife.
To die and be a meal or two,
gulped bob the turkey in plain view.
That cannot be what I must do,
Please farmer hear my thoughts all through.
Alright young bob you'll have your say,
But make it short, don't take all day.
I'll start bob gulped with the bugs I eat. There pests for sure and true.
You know your right said the Farmer John, But bug spray it will do.
I've more to say bob croaked and squawked, I've more to prove my keep.
I've not been hatched and grown this far, to put people who eat too much to sleep.
Ok young bob please calm yourself and have some grain and more,
For turkey day is nearing us, even at our home, our door.
Bob hurried forth and ate the grain, then lifted up his beak.
I'd think you'd like a big lamb roast, so mild and so meek.
While lamb is good I must admit, said the farmer with a smile.
Your day will come when we serve you up, it's only a shorter while.
But what of the cow in the pasture there, his beef is marbled well.
Or what of the fattened pig I see, surely some pulled pork will sell.
Now bob you've made a point in fact, that beef and pork are good,
But on thanksgiving day a turkey to eat, well... it's what you should.
But John, said young bob as he hopped on the fence, Theres more for your appetite.
The buffalo raised in Montana's good and my cousin the chicken is nice and light.
Chicken sounds good for dinner tonight, you'll sleep till the morning dawns,
Oh thank you John said young bob with glee, I'll always remember you... be so fond
The night came and went, the chicken was cooked and bob slept the night in peace,
But come in the morning John's wife came to call and first went to feed the young fleece.
She had a sack tucked in her belt with care, and she glanced over bob's own way.
He hoped with a hope so sure and true that he would live out the day.
She went to the pigs and slopped them as well, then glanced over to him again.
Soon dread filled bob's craw, as she spread out the straw for the cow Neath his drooping chin.
She looked for him longer with lip-smacking noise, she saw him upon her own plate.
He hoped John would come out to save him today, before it was late...
She grabbed him and put him within the brown sack
and tossed him right over her fine shapen back.
She hurried on in to the kitchen with care,
And said John my love we'll have turkey to share.
Bob prayed with a prayer of faith up above,
That God would send forth his so perfect love
The kitchen grew quiet and bob hopelessly wept,
He let out a gasp then he peacefully slept.
When bob's thoughts were gathered to his conscious mind then,
Bob looked on the family in the farmer's fine den.
There were chairs gathered round, and a feast of renowned!
There was laughter and smells of such wonder there found.
Bob's heart was full up as they brought in the bird,
And he mumbled this thought that his prayer was assured.
But bob soon then saw his own flesh their delight,
The center of the feast through the day and the night.
It soon warmed up his soul when the farmer was bent,
To pray to his God whose great blessings were sent.
He thanked him for family for friends and his wife,
He thanked him for everything good in his life.
He thanked him for rain and for good warm sunlight.
But he thanked god the most for the tasty delight.
Please help Bob to know that his life was well spent,
He filled up our bodies just right.
God reached out to bob and his soul was received
to the place of no worries the place of pure light.
To chickens and turkeys that are eyed on this day,
As a meal, yes a feast who soon worry and pray.
Bob has said that I tell you, be calm and be kind,
It softens your meat and quiets your mind.
Remember to serve up your selfless good gift.
And feed all the people who gather or drift.
For turkey's are tasty and good for a feast,
And on thanksgiving day their the pride of all beasts.
Written for my family with care and hope that one day or maybe one night.
they will share it with their children as well and also have a true delight!
Families are Forever
Families are Forever and begin in heaven above,
Where we as spirits grow and learn... intelligence with love.
Then here to earth, to share this gift, for those who chose the right,
God sends his family forth in love hoping they'll come back, to his love... the light...
Yes Families are forever when we gather near to pray,
To read the words of Gods own gift, from the prophets writings we learn and play
If we in the words of God delight to read then say then do then learn,
Our Family will return back home, to a place our souls forever yearn.
For Families are forever when we in temples bright and pure,
Make covenants with God above and in them do endure.
To the young to the old to the hapless man to the very bold
I ask you a question about life's worth
Is it gold you seek from the depths of earth?
Is it honor and praise from the world above?
Is it fame in the eyes of those you love?
Do you seek for the good of all mankind?
Do you serve other souls here on earth in rhyme?
What is your biggest, own hope and dream?
Where lies the source of your power, your steam?
What is important to you most in life?
Is it your fine car or truck or your loving wife?
Is it your children or loved ones who live far away?
Is it the people with whom you party and play?
What is the source of your light within?
What is the substance of your soul, your sin?
For all have drawn short of the Glory of God,
We walk in our own path where ever we trod.
But if in the case that your soul does weep,
For the sins of your life in your lowest creep.
There is hope in repentance in the lifting if sin,
From off of your shoulders, give your burden to him
For Jesus awaits to embrace you above,
His all knowing mind sends his so perfect love.
His heart and his will and his thoughts and his power,
Reach out to each soul every moment or hour.
Just humble yourself in the depths on your knees,
And ask him to help you, he has all the keys!
He's already paid up for your sins everyone,
He's just waiting for your part to come to the son.
In the praise to the Father, in the name of the Son,
Give your whole soul to Jesus the glorified one.
For Jesus is waiting with arms open wide,
At the gates of eternity, he's on your side.
Just remember to humble your self every thought,
Every action in him who your souls he has bought.
For the gift of his love is more grand than in words,
And if you trust in his path your own place is assured.
12/21/2013 5:49:01 PM. - chynna - new york
one time i gave my presents to the kids cancer
12/22/2013 9:41:17 AM. - karsyn.a - shawnee kc
that nice
12/22/2013 11:47:01 AM - Lissi-Bissi - U.S.A
That must have took a long time. Writing and thinking those poems up.
12/23/2013 8:33:11 AM - lu lu - middlesbrough
that must have took a long time
12/21/2013 3:51:33 PM. - jasmine - houston
one time i helped someone when they were realy sad like my brother he was sad because he had cut hiself on his knee and i helped him.
12/21/2013 2:33:15 PM - Karen - Georgia
One day my friend had 1dollar and so did I. She lost it somewhere so I decided to give her the one that I had.
12/21/2013 12:55:50 PM. - Trinity - Larunburg
I helped my teacher with christmas cards,clean computer,turn off computer,pass out christmas cards!
12/21/2013 12:57:14 PM. - Meghan - Larunburg
Wow cuz you must have had a good day
12/21/2013 10:14:35 AM - Gloria - Scotland
I told the toll booth guy my friends were in car behind and paid the bridge toll for then even though I have no idea who they were :)
12/21/2013 11:12:02 AM. - Sydney - United States
my mom paid for a girls grocieries when she didn't know who she was, but her boyfriend was yelling at her so she paid for all of it
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