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Random Acts Of Kindness

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ID: 10392

12/7/2013 5:29:01 AM - JoAnn - Brooksville, Fl

Going to have a neighbor with cancer--little dog COCO groomed for the holidays

12/9/2013 4:36:07 AM - Kay Kay - St.Louis, MO, USA

I hope she or he is okay

12/16/2013 7:01:50 AM - The Moviestar - Trinidad and Tobago


ID: 10391

12/7/2013 1:48:12 AM - sassy - country

Me and myird out side my house friend found a limping bird outside my house so we brought him inside a few minutes latter he was really tame and friendly so we decided we would look after him over night until he recoverd the next day he was as good as new!

12/7/2013 1:52:33 AM - sassy - country

soz about the words mixed up my computer went wierd! :)

ID: 10390

12/6/2013 10:51:14 PM - YaelQ - Vashon, WA

Got coffee for the food bank collectors outside the supermarket today :-)

ID: 10389

12/6/2013 7:22:20 PM - kiki - scottsvilleky

I help my grandma. she has been going through a hard time this year. September 3 her husband died, then she had a massive heart attack! next my nieces' and nephew's dog got attack by an older dog, and then my uncle niel's leg gets caught in between a piece of machinery. and to top it off it was my uncle steve's birthday. September 19 her ex-husband died. so it has been a rough year for my family

12/7/2013 1:54:50 AM - sassy - country

i'm so sorry

12/7/2013 4:51:47 PM - Emmy - Ny

I feel so bad for you

12/8/2013 9:59:36 AM - arisa - ruston

so sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12/9/2013 4:35:01 AM - Kay Kay - St.Louis, MO, USA

Thats so sad! I hope your families are okay now

12/10/2013 1:43:17 AM - twotwo - QLD


12/10/2013 2:31:08 PM. - Corey - USA,WV

I'm so sorry for your loss. Also I hope everybody is safe! You just keep helping your Grandma. They are a very special part of your life. Have a Merry Christmas!

ID: 10388

12/6/2013 1:31:22 PM - Emmy - ny

Me and my mom helped a little bird that was stuck in some netting.

12/8/2013 10:01:26 AM - arisa - ruston

question: did he die?

ID: 10387

12/6/2013 12:15:38 AM - Susanna - Santa Rosa ca

Even when my body hurt a couple weeks ago I did my good deed like I do everyday I got my bro and the kids to help if everyone did one nice thing a day it would be a better place. Happy holidays to ALL

12/6/2013 7:31:13 PM - kiki - scottsvilleky


12/7/2013 1:51:22 AM - sassy - country

well done!

ID: 10386

12/5/2013 11:50:28 AM - jo - Williamsburg, VA

Offer group Meditation at my house on Fridays…. OM….

ID: 10385

12/5/2013 4:47:31 AM. - Bonnie - Hanover, Pa.

I prepared a Thanksgiving Day dinner, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes (premade), and pumpkin pie and delivered it to a friend who had lost her husband in April. She has 4 boys living at home with her and is going through a very hard time. It made me feel so good to be able to help her out and hopefully add a little light into her holiday. The more you do for others, the better you feel. That's what we're here to do. Help each other.

ID: 10384

12/5/2013 12:23:32 AM - grace - england

i help people

12/7/2013 10:01:35 AM - bob - india

ma ve help kardia kala theno patha mineo jada patha

12/10/2013 2:33:26 PM. - Corey - USA,WV

Who and how did you help? Have a very merry Christmas Grace!

12/16/2013 7:03:25 AM - The Moviestar - Trinidad and Tobago

I helped by cleaning my food and cooking fish

ID: 10383

12/4/2013 2:59:15 PM - Charlotte - Kutztown

It's a little weird but I like looking for dropped coins. Since they really don't belong to me they go to the local library where there are wooden animals which the children can "feed" this money. It's a cute, little fundraiser.

12/4/2013 3:16:49 PM - Brooke - Indiana

It's good to make changes like that in the world.

12/7/2013 10:03:22 AM - rupinder - canada

it was nice to see the sun but its time for the snow to come out

12/7/2013 6:33:02 PM - Cupcake - turlock

I love the library that money is going toward a GREAT cause!

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