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12/6/2017 1:13:24 PM - KB - Rice Lake WI
My husband and I were eating at Olive Garden with our three year old daughter. She was having fun, and being a little loud. An older gentleman at the table next to us didn't complain about her giggling and having fun as some people would, he told us how sweet she was. Then when the waitress brought us our check, she told us that same gentleman had paid for our bill. We were so touched by it, that we try to do the same for others whenever we can.
12/6/2017 12:59:59 PM - Karen & Martin - Ontario Canada
We gave new toys to a charity toy drive and food to the food bank :)
12/5/2017 6:48:49 AM. - Super Best Friends - Jacksonville, NC
12/2/2017 5:08:47 PM. - Samantha payne - Tigard Oregon
Being nice to others and helping people if they get lost
12/1/2017 5:01:49 PM - Jimmie - Cotter, AR
The ladies in our church cooked Thanksgiving dinner for our community; they fed 130, plus, people and collected $575 dollars in freewill donations. They gave the money to the local food pantry.
12/2/2017 5:52:16 AM - Syd - Weatherford,Oklahoma
I wish my town in Oklahoma would give our food and research projects would give us money for the projects we do.
11/28/2017 8:14:27 AM. - leigha - berea ky 40403
hey Donna Jimenez i hope your day goes good love-you Jesus loves you..
12/13/2017 11:37:07 AM - hannah - North Aurora
This isn't a raok
11/28/2017 6:28:22 AM. - Bob - Thrash
I save change all year long, between Thanksgiving and Christmas I always have a few dollars in my pocket and give to the Salvation Army bell ringers every time I am out and about.
11/25/2017 12:29:06 PM - Annie - United States
I helped my sister by helping her carry and fold her laundry.
11/13/2017 2:49:03 PM - nick - panama city
i said please nice
9/12/2017 6:07:15 AM - Angela - Philippines
I did my cousins assignment :D
11/13/2017 2:50:15 PM - nick - panama city
good job
12/8/2017 8:34:02 AM - Karen - Moline, IL
I saw a couple at my local grocery store that had three children with them that were very well behaved. As I was walking up to the front of the store, I noticed them at the checkout and I told the cashier I wanted to pay for their groceries. The lady gave me such a big hug and said thanks. I wished them a happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas and continued my shopping. That hug of thanks and love was worth every dime.
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