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12/19/2015 12:22:06 PM - Icy - Antarctica
I made Christmas cards and put messages saying nice things to nice people and drew pictures to everyone!
12/19/2015 10:15:45 AM - Anna - Massachusetts
I am making homeade cards that take me half an hour each for all of my friends which techincally would be everyone I know but I am only doing about 30 people.
12/19/2015 10:23:52 AM - Anna - Massachusetts
I would also like to thank the people who put together this website because after reading all of these stories I have decided to be a better person to others because I once had a random act of kindness given to me and I have never realized how many people in the world are kind and have given up their time to others. I now have a new appreciation for people and everyone who has been nice to me. I am making it a personal goal to compliment and help others at least once a day every day from now until til forever
12/20/2015 2:00:08 PM - Randy G. (XmasFun.com webmaster) - California, USA
Thanks for the kind words Anna! It means a lot to us here! And also thanks to all who post these....I read every one of them and am always inspired by the thoughtfulness displayed with these simple acts! Merry Christmas all!
12/19/2015 6:01:38 AM. - cala - camanche,ia
some one was mean to me but i said you look nice today
12/19/2015 10:25:43 AM - Anna - Massachusetts
Way to go! I bet that got that confused. The nice people get recognition in the end and no one ever likes a bully.
12/19/2015 3:43:53 PM. - nony - north caralina
WOW!,you are relly RELLY tough.I've never been bullyed I gess becuse i'm in 2nd grade
12/19/2015 5:24:34 AM. - Mike - Maine
A few times I have anonymously left $10 with the supermarket cashier to put towards the next person's groceries. I really like to do this when the next person in line appears like they live paycheck-to-paycheck and could really use the money.
12/19/2015 10:16:29 AM - Anna - Massachusetts
That is one of the kindest things I have ever heard.
12/18/2015 9:15:47 AM - Molly MacKenzie - Michigan
I patted someone on the back.
12/18/2015 8:22:58 AM - hailey - chicago
i was in chicago and i had a bunch of leftovers from a nice resterunt and i saw a homeless person so i gave him my food i even ofered a drink but he insisted no but i gave it to him any ways
12/17/2015 9:42:20 PM - morgie - blob city
i was walking out of the shop with my grandma and mum and an elderly woman had quite a few bags. she looked like she was stugling with the bags so i went over and helped her carry her bags all the way home. when i was walking back to my house i saw a lady drop 20 dollars so i went and picked it up. i gave it back to her and she gave me ten dollars as a reward for my kindness
12/18/2015 7:22:09 AM. - flash - ohio
that was very nice of you you should be very proud of your self
12/21/2015 6:02:12 PM - Lindsay - Texas
WOW! the world needs people like you ?
12/17/2015 11:24:28 AM - Betty - California
A child was looking at some perfume for his mom and asked me if he had enough money to buy it. He was short of money so I gave him the $10.00 extra he needed then helped him pick out a gift bag and a card. The look of love and happiness on his face was priceless. he thanked me, hugged me and wished me a Merry Christmas. He hugged the gift and he walked home with it.
12/19/2015 6:02:59 AM. - cala - camanche,ia
how sweet
12/24/2015 6:33:11 AM. - Dee - Ohio
That is AWESOME!! Merry Christmas!!
12/16/2015 7:39:12 PM. - Boris - White Hall
Today we were checking our groceries out and there were gift bags on all the sales counters offering customers an opportunity to purchase them for families who are not so fortunate. It seems like such a small thing to do and we challenge everyone to make a difference in another persons life with an act of kindness. Small things matter ??
12/16/2015 7:50:13 PM. - Boris - White Hall
Oh and we did purchase one today and we plan to buy one each day as long as they offer them.
12/16/2015 6:30:58 PM. - Michelle - Houston
I donated money so that kids would have presents this year
12/19/2015 3:36:04 PM. - nony - north caralina
these are good
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